Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sorry Mommy!

Daddy told me this morning you were sad because I didn't post a lot of updates yesterday. I was just so busy at daycare I didn't have time! I had some time this morning to use the computer lab at daycare so I'm writing you now. I'm really excited to see Grandma Joyce later today.

Also, Daddy was telling me last night as I drank my bottle that the night before he was making dinner in the oven and the smoke detector went off! Apparently some food had dripped down onto the oven floor and it smoked a little. I didn't even wake up! Daddy was frantically trying to wave a pillow under the smoke detector to get it to shut off before it woke up. Never fear - didn't even stir! Daddy says I must have gotten your talent of sleeping through anything.

I was up early this morning showing off how well I can stand in my crib even when it's 5 a.m. and pitch black!

Here I am this morning showing Daddy how sturdy the bookshelf is that he attached to the wall. I can't wait for you to get home to read me a story from one of these books!

I like the time before I go to daycare when Daddy lets me run around without any clothes on. I showed him how I can stand next to the ottoman and then I wanted to pet Chloe. She didn't like that much.

Have a great day at training, and I can't believe it's only a few more days until I get to see you! I love you!

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