Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All done!


As I type this I'm about to go down for my morning nap. Daddy tried to get me to go to sleep earlier, but let's just say I had to make some room for lunch so now I have a clean diaper! I will hopefully sleep for at least an hour so Daddy can rest.

What a morning we've had. As you know, I am now 9 months old. The doctor said that I don't get more immunizations until my birthday. All I got today was a small prick on my finger to run a blood test for anemia. My score was a 40, and the nice nurse told Daddy that any score above 33 was great. No problems there!

Daddy did a great job asking the nurse and Dr. Shu all the questions you had left for him. I've taken the liberty of recapping them below along with my height, weight, and head size. I think you and I both know that my head is going to be big like Daddy's.

I really liked Dr. Shu, and both Dad and I agree we should try to see her on a more consistent basis. She told me I was sooooo handsome and cute, and she was amazed how I was standing when she came in the room! Daddy took a picture of it -

Ok, so now on to the good stuff. I weighed 18 lbs 9 ounces which puts me in the 25-50th percentile. I think it's because I'm moving around so much that I'm burning calories more than other babies. I mean, just look at me at daycare. I'm running circles around Brett and Ben. Those two don't stand a chance at catching me.
My height is 29 inches which is good for the 75th percentile. I know you think I have a long torso and short legs like Daddy, but we'll see. Finally, as you saw above, my head is large and is 18.4 centimeters around. I'm in the 75-90th percentile for my head. I think it's great because my head is big like Daddy's, and we both know how smart he is.
Luckily, I didn't need any shots today, but when the lady at the lab pricked my finger I cried for just a minute. Daddy held me the whole time so I felt ok after a minute. He whispered to me that I am already a big boy because shots and needles don't bother me! He said that you on the other hand....it's ok, Mommy. When you need to get shots I'll be there to make you feel better.

Here we are waiting for the test results to come back. My next doctor's appointment is on my actual birthday at 8:40 a.m!

Now, on to your questions. Dr. Shu says to keep trying to get me to drink out of the sippy cup. Just this morning Daddy got me to hold my bottle the entire time so I think I'll be using a sippy cup sooner rather than later. Don't give up on me!

Dr. Shu said that the only time she gives kids juice is when they are constipated so NO juice for me! I poop just fine thank you very much. Water isn't necessary either because I'm getting so much of it in my formula.

I know sometimes I don't drink all of my bottles, but as long as I get around 20 ounces a day I'm fine. I could use a Vitamin D supplement if you guys want to get that for me.

I'm getting enough food as it is so I don't need dinner just yet. Once I drop my afternoon nap I will probably start wanting dinner. My food is just fine for now. "Soft, smooth, and small" is the motto! No need to start cutting up food to give me other than the bananas, soft pears, etc. that you do such a good job of feeding me already.

I don't use my pacifier much as it is, so Dr. Shu isn't worried about my teeth getting messed up. Some kids (probably that James character at my school) suck on them so hard they can push their teeth out. I don't do that.

Finally, you guys need to start wiping my teeth with a cloth or rag to make sure they don't rot! You don't need to use toothpaste yet.

Ok, time for sleepy deep! Have a great day and call Daddy later!


The Bugglies

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